D'lish curbside bistro. Food Truck. Houston Texas.

5 Ways Food Trucks Have Impacted Houston

As we come closer to the end of the year I couldnt help but reflect on everything I have learned while on my adventures as a first time food truck owner. I have been blessed and honored to be a part of one of the most exiting industries at this present time;  all along side some of the best trucks in the country. One of the most notable things I have noticed about this industry is the impact we have had directly on our local community. I have never felt so involved in it as  I have now after starting this business. It has really opened my eyes to the value that small businesses bring to our economy and community as a whole. After doing some extensive research I have also found that small businesses represent 99.7% of all employer firms. Since 1995 small businesses have generated 64% of jobs and paid 44% of private pay roll. When you put this in to perspective along with the fact that there is over 1,000 food truck businesses in Houston alone it really paints a picture of what type of role they play in our great city. Here are a few other ways that food trucks have affected our lovely city of Houston.

They Have Added Style To Our Already Artistic Community

The small business sector of our economy has always brought out new, young and artistic talent. The food truck industry is no different. I have personally met some of the most talented chefs, artist and business people in the food truck scene. They are motivated and passionate entrepreneurs who are looking for a way to make their foot print and stand out. Their hirees are also note worthy. As with any small business, food trucks often hire individuals that aren’t hired by big corporations bringing with in a whole plethora of fresh talent to its industry. The food truck sector is a breath of fresh air to a corporate world  in the food service industry.

the modular unit food truck
“The Modular” Food Truck. | https://www.facebook.com/The-modular-112541498836694/timeline

They Contribute Back To Our Community Through Fundraising

A food truck business starts out so small that typically its main customers are the people that they know. They reach out to their local schools, day cares, local businesses, etc.,etc. These local institutions are typically always funding some kind of cause such as, Toys for Tots, big brother programs, after school programs, local sports teams and other organizations that need funding from its local communities. These are always great ways for food trucks to get there name out there and at the same time give back to the area that they already live in.

They Have Helped Local Businesses Retain Customers

A big part of the revenue that many of these trucks are aquiring are from events and catering. Individuals love booking food trucks for their birthday parties, sporting events and many other special occasions. There has also been a big demand from other businesses to book food trucks for their own clients as well. Schools and day cares hire food trucks to feed their kids and parents on open house nights. Clubs and bars hire food trucks to keep their patrons from having to leave thus squeezing out more bar sales every night. Music venues, apartment complexes, event planners, strip clubs (or so im told), tail gating events at NRG stadium, and many more businesses have looked to food trucks to keep their customers happy.

Nom Mi at NRG Stadium. Houston. Texas
Nom Mi at NRG Stadium. | https://www.facebook.com/nommi.street?fref=ts

They Have Brought Us Food Truck Parks and Festivals

In case you didn’t know there are now certain parks around town that will literally have a whole line up of different food trucks every week. They feature a variety of trucks that serve anything from meditteranean, Hawaiian, Cuban, Mexican and just about any other style you can think of. It is harldy ever the same line up and they usually have a local brewery supply the adult beverages such as Texas Beer Refinery and Karbach. The most popular food parks are Bernie’s Backyard, Houston Food Park and Clear Lake Shores. Apart from the food truck parks there is also several food truck festivals that happen through out the year. A few notable mentions are Haute Wheels, For The Love of Food Trucks, Food Truck Extravaganza, The Fajita Festival and The Best Damn Food Truck Festival Ever. Be sure to check out these parks and festivals this coming year. You’ll thank me later.

They Collaborate With Other Businesses To Expand

There is so much that entails starting and running a food truck business. Food truck owners can’t do everything themselves so they must outsource many of their needs to other local businesses in oder to start, grow and expand. Here is what it takes to start a food truck business:

  • First off they need a good builder to upfit their food truck ( Texas Cart Builder).
  • Then they need a good designer and printer for a wrap (InkFlo was my choice).
  • Also you can’t run a business in 2015 without a website so they’re going to need a web designer (Phryxus).
  • After all that then you need some where to constantly buy your ingredients for your product. Most food trucks either go directly to their grocery store or a large distributor.
  • You’re also going  to need supplies so you’re going to have to go to your nearest restaurant supplier (JKS & Restaurant Depot).

As you can tell this goes on and on every day. This creates revenue for all of these companies thus enabaling them to hire more employees. The food truck industry has created more jobs! They’ve put more taxes back in to our local economy! What I’m trying to say is…….support your local food trucks and you will support your city.

Mingo's Latin Kitchen. Houston Texas.
Mingo’s Latin Kitchen| https://www.facebook.com/MingosHTX

Well that sums up today’s post. I’m sure I have missed something. Feel free to comment below and let me know what your thoughts are. Like and share this post as well. Follow me here on WordPress, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Last but not least don’t forget to support your local food trucks!

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